I'm Neil Aquino and I founded the Houston Democracy Project to focus on making protection of democracy a top issue in 2024 elections and insisting candidates commit efforts and resources to increase turnout.
Republicans do not intend to accept election defeats in 2024 and will do nearly anything to maintain power.
I'm working to create a culture where active rank-and-file Democrats and Democratic clubs and organizations ask more of candidates and incumbents, and to create a democracy movement in Houston.
I do this in multiple ways:
I write several times a week on the Houston Democracy Project Blog. Here is the latest post.
I have a weekly Houston Democracy Project segment each Thursday morning at 6 AM for an hour on the Egberto Willies Politics Done Right broadcast on Houston Station KPFT 90.1. The program is then available on Egberto's website.
I talk to Democratic club and organization leaders, active Democrats, party leaders and candidates, the media, and anybody who might be able to make a difference. I communicate with, via conversations, matters, on social media and at public meetings, Harris County and Houston City candidates and incumbents asking that they be ready to fight for democracy.
I have a record of leading the discussion. I recently offered the motion approved by the Houston LGBTQ+ Political Caucus opposing mayor Whitmire's proposed ordinance to limit protest in Houston.
I encourage you to be part of the effort. Your ideas and suggestions are always welcome. I'm at [email protected]
Please donate. The Houston Democracy Project takes time, effort and money. The project is possible because of skills and experience I have acquired over many years. It’s important and fair that people doing the work for democracy be compensated. Anti-democracy forces have near unlimited funding. Thank you.
About me:
I come to this work as a rank & file Democrat, activist and Houstonian, with a long history of involvement in public and political affairs, and as someone who wants to live in a free society. I’ve volunteered extensively for Democratic candidates and causes, and served as paid staff for multiple Democratic campaigns, focusing on communications and strategy.
I’m also an organizer of the Weekly John Cornyn Houston Office Protest. The Cornyn Protest team has been outside Senator Cornyn’s office each Tuesday for over seven years now with one clear message: In addition to voting, we must show up physically and non-conventionally for the fights over democracy ahead.
I’m a member of the Southwest Democrats, Tejano Democrats and the Houston LGBTQIA Caucus. I'm a member of the Rules Committee and the Resolutions Committee of the Harris County Democratic Party. I have a political science degree from Xavier University in Cincinnati and ran a Cincinnati City Council office before moving to Houston more than 25 years ago.
Republicans do not intend to accept election defeats in 2024 and will do nearly anything to maintain power.
I'm working to create a culture where active rank-and-file Democrats and Democratic clubs and organizations ask more of candidates and incumbents, and to create a democracy movement in Houston.
I do this in multiple ways:
I write several times a week on the Houston Democracy Project Blog. Here is the latest post.
I have a weekly Houston Democracy Project segment each Thursday morning at 6 AM for an hour on the Egberto Willies Politics Done Right broadcast on Houston Station KPFT 90.1. The program is then available on Egberto's website.
I talk to Democratic club and organization leaders, active Democrats, party leaders and candidates, the media, and anybody who might be able to make a difference. I communicate with, via conversations, matters, on social media and at public meetings, Harris County and Houston City candidates and incumbents asking that they be ready to fight for democracy.
I have a record of leading the discussion. I recently offered the motion approved by the Houston LGBTQ+ Political Caucus opposing mayor Whitmire's proposed ordinance to limit protest in Houston.
I encourage you to be part of the effort. Your ideas and suggestions are always welcome. I'm at [email protected]
Please donate. The Houston Democracy Project takes time, effort and money. The project is possible because of skills and experience I have acquired over many years. It’s important and fair that people doing the work for democracy be compensated. Anti-democracy forces have near unlimited funding. Thank you.
About me:
I come to this work as a rank & file Democrat, activist and Houstonian, with a long history of involvement in public and political affairs, and as someone who wants to live in a free society. I’ve volunteered extensively for Democratic candidates and causes, and served as paid staff for multiple Democratic campaigns, focusing on communications and strategy.
I’m also an organizer of the Weekly John Cornyn Houston Office Protest. The Cornyn Protest team has been outside Senator Cornyn’s office each Tuesday for over seven years now with one clear message: In addition to voting, we must show up physically and non-conventionally for the fights over democracy ahead.
I’m a member of the Southwest Democrats, Tejano Democrats and the Houston LGBTQIA Caucus. I'm a member of the Rules Committee and the Resolutions Committee of the Harris County Democratic Party. I have a political science degree from Xavier University in Cincinnati and ran a Cincinnati City Council office before moving to Houston more than 25 years ago.